Are those who receive BPC entitled to the 13th salary?


The BPC (Continuous Benefit Payment) guarantees a minimum wage per month for seniors over 65 years of age or for people with disabilities at any age. 

It is important to highlight that this benefit is not a retirement, contrary to what many people think. Each month, beneficiaries receive the amount equivalent to a minimum wage, that is, R$1,320. 

Even if payment is made by the INSS, BPC is just a social assistance benefit. Therefore, see below whether those who receive this benefit are entitled to receive the 13th salary. 


I receive BPC, will I get a 13th salary?

Receiving BPC does not give the right to the 13th salary, but there is already a bill to change this. This proposal is still in progress, so at least in 2023 the rules will be the same.

About the benefit 

That benefit of R$ 1,320 is intended for seniors aged 65 or over and for people with disabilities of any age. Another requirement to receive the BPC is to have a family per capita income less than or equal to a quarter of the minimum wage, that is, up to R$ 330. 


Therefore, if you want to request the benefit, you will need to download the Meu INSS app (Android and iOS). In addition, you must register in advance with CadÚnico to be able to request BPC.

The BPC payment follows the same dates as the INSS benefit, according to the final digit of the benefit. Therefore, the dates for this month are already available, see which day you will receive it: 

  • Final 1: November 24th;
  • Final 2: November 27;
  • Final 3: November 28;
  • Final 4: November 29;
  • Final 5: November 30th;
  • Final 6: December 1st;
  • Final 7: December 4th;
  • Final 8: December 5th;
  • Final 9: December 6th;
  • Final 0: December 7th. 

Image: Marcelo Camargo/ Agência Brasil