My Home, My Life Program Plans to Reuse Abandoned Buildings


The “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” program has undergone numerous updates, culminating in its recent relaunch. The new main directive encourages renovations and revitalization of uninhabited buildings, a process known as “retrofit.”

These changes aim to ensure better locations for participants in this segment. Want to know more? Keep reading!

The 'My House, My Life' program plans to revitalize empty buildings

The high rates of uninhabited buildings, especially in large Brazilian urban centers, led the new guidelines of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program to formulate a solution. The proposal is to renovate and recover these buildings, allowing participants in the program's band 1, those with incomes up to R$2,600, to use them.


We have already carried out this procedure in 1,088 units that the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program delivered after undergoing the retrofit process, the majority in São Paulo (SP).

Read also: Government CONFIRMS return of important benefit; check who will be included


Other innovations for track 1 of the program

To help low-income families purchase property, we have also reduced the interest rate. It will be 4.00% in the North and Northeast. In other regions, it will be 4.25% for those with an income of up to R$$ 2,000.

We have increased the subsidy amount from R$47.5 thousand to R$55 thousand, with the intention of reducing the required down payment. Depending on income and type of property, some cases will not even require a down payment.

In addition, the program prioritizes the resumption of works that have been halted for band 1, some of which have been ongoing for more than 10 years. By December of this year, we hope to resume construction of 15,000 properties.