Why am I not receiving Gas Assistance? Check out the possible reasons here


April is coming and with it the payment of another installment of the National Gas Aid, which provides around 5 million beneficiaries with an amount to purchase a 13kg cooking gas cylinder. Thus, in recent months, the value of the benefit has been around R$$ 100.

However, many people who are eligible for this benefit may not be receiving it. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons why you may not be receiving gas assistance and how to resolve this situation.

Why am I not receiving Gas Assistance?

Therefore, check out the possible reasons why you are not receiving the National Gas Aid:


Lack of updated registration

One of the most common reasons for not receiving gas assistance is the lack of updated registration in government systems. Therefore, if the beneficiary's information is outdated or incorrect, the benefit may not be granted or there may be delays in payment.

Failure to meet eligibility criteria

Another reason for not receiving gas assistance is not meeting the eligibility criteria established by the program. Thus, these criteria may include per capita family income below a certain amount, registration in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and other specific conditions.


Technical problems in Government systems

Sometimes, technical problems in government systems can cause the gas aid to not be granted, even if the beneficiary meets all the requirements. Therefore, in these cases, it is important to contact the agencies responsible for the program to report the problem and seek a solution.

Auxílio Gás
Image: Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil

Requirements to receive the benefit

Finally, check if you meet the requirements to access Gas Aid:

  • Have your registration updated on CadÚnico;
  • Monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage (R$ 706) per person or total family income of up to three minimum wages (R$ 4,236).

Image: Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil