Why don't my debts appear on the Desenrola Brasil website?


Desenrola Brasil is a program developed by the Federal Government with the objective of enabling citizens to settle outstanding debts and get out of debt. Through the page The program allows you to find and close various agreements.

However, you may not find all of your debts when you access the platform. As stated on the Desenrola Brasil website, this happens for different reasons. It is possible, for example, that the company you owe your debt to is simply not participating in the initiative.

However, in addition to this reason, you need to be aware of the negotiation criteria, since the program has a specific target audience. If you/your debts do not meet the requirements, it will not be possible to renegotiate them through Desenrola.


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Unroll Brazil: criteria

On the program's website, you can find the participation criteria in the questions and answers tab. The following audiences are considered to be eligible to participate in the program:


  • Individuals with a gross monthly income of up to two minimum wages or who are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico);
  • Financial and non-financial debts, whose updated negative values do not exceed R$$20 thousand;
  • Negative debts from 2019 to 2022.

In short, if your debt is greater than R$20,000 or occurred before January 1, 2019 or after December 31, 2022, it is not eligible for negotiation.

It is worth noting that these are the criteria for Band 1 of the program, those negotiated directly through the Desenrola Brasil platform.

How to access the platform

You can access the platform using your Gov.br account. Gov.br is a portal that allows citizens to access a series of digital services. Anyone can create an account on the portal using their CPF number (you need a silver or gold level account).

Once you are on the platform with your account, you can check the debts that you can negotiate and move on to the payment methods. You can pay in full or finance the installment plan in up to 60 months.

Image: Disclosure/ Agência Brasil