INSS R$ 1,320 Payment Released for Many People


On Wednesday (25), the INSS made R$ 1,320.00 available to several people who have never contributed to social security. See!

On Wednesday (25), the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) will begin distributing the amounts for the month of October. Consequently, around 36 million individuals will have payments in their accounts, including pensions, benefits and the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC).

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In short, the INSS designates the BPC for seniors aged 65 and over and also for low-income people with disabilities (PcD). Thus, the benefit corresponds to a minimum wage (R$ 1,320.00). However, to benefit, it is not necessary to have made contributions to the INSS, just meet the established criteria. Find out more!

Who can receive R$ 1,320.00 from INSS?

Therefore, to qualify for BPC, the criteria are:


  • Be registered with CadÚnico (Single Registry for Federal Government Social Programs);
  • Be 65 years of age or older or have a disability validated by medical and social evaluation;
  • Maintain a monthly family income of up to 1/4 of the minimum wage (R$ 330.00) per person;
  • Not having any other assistance from the INSS or any other social security system.
  • That way, Click here to see how to apply for BPC.

Payment schedule – October

Read also: R$7.4 Billion in Forgotten Money. How to Claim?

In view of this, the INSS calendar is divided into two parts. The first, starting this month on Wednesday (25), serves beneficiaries who earn up to a minimum wage. The second begins on November 1st, and is intended for those who earn more than the base salary. Finally, take a look at the BPC payment schedule:

Final benefit numberPayment date
1October 25th
2October 26th
3October 27th
4October 30th
5October 31st
1 and 6November 1st
2 and 7November 3rd
3 and 8November 6th
4 and 9November 7th
5 and 0November 8th