The gas assistance benefit represents essential support for Brazilian citizens. Check if the October dates are available for you!
Many Brazilians are eagerly awaiting the date when the gas aid will be deposited into their accounts. This aid aims to help families facing economic difficulties to acquire cooking gas.
The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger (MDS), linked to the Federal Government, administers and transfers this benefit bimonthly. Continue reading to find out the details of the October payment.
Read also: Check if you were approved for Bolsa Família 2023. Learn how to check.
Who is entitled to gas assistance?
Lower-income families must register with the Federal Government's Single Registry to have access to the aid every two months. However, just being registered does not guarantee the benefit.
To illustrate, the gross monthly income per family member must be, at most, equivalent to half the minimum wage, which today is equivalent to R$$ 660. In addition, families with one member receiving the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) also qualify for this aid.
The value of the benefit corresponds to 50% of the average price of a 13kg cylinder in Brazil. The National Petroleum Agency determines this value, based on the Price Survey System.
What is the payment schedule?
Read also: Learn all about Amounts Receivable
The government makes payments of the gas aid at the same time as Bolsa Família. Therefore, the dates of both benefits are aligned. These dates are based on the last digit of the beneficiaries' Social Identification Number (NIS). See the October calendar below:
- NIS final 1: October 18;
- NIS final 2: October 19;
- NIS final 3: October 20;
- NIS final 4: October 23;
- NIS final 5: October 24;
- NIS final 6: October 26;
- NIS final 7: October 26;
- NIS final 8: October 27;
- NIS final 9: October 30;
- Final NIS 0: October 31st.