Recently, B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, witnessed an intriguing phenomenon: a notable drop in the number of investors. This event, unprecedented since 2016, raised many eyebrows in the financial market. The unexpected protagonist of this story is Nubank, the fintech that has revolutionized the banking sector in Brazil.
The situation began to unfold when Nubank made its stock market debut, opting for dual listings on the B3 and the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). The substantial offering of its BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts) to customers resulted in a significant increase in the number of investors on the stock exchange. However, this trend did not last long.
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Nubank's strategic changes and their consequences
The turning point came when Nubank decided to withdraw its BDRs, originally traded under the ticker NUBR33, and change to BDR level 1, thus losing its listed status on the Brazilian stock exchange. This move forced customers and investors to make a decision: exchange their old BDRs for the new ones, now traded under the ticker ROXO34, opt for shares listed on the NYSE, or simply receive their invested money back.
Those who did not make an active choice ended up automatically receiving the money they invested. The result? More than 500,000 investors said goodbye to B3. It is important to note that, with the initial listing, more than 750,000 new CPFs had been registered on the exchange.
Market impact and future prospects
The numbers speak for themselves: the year 2023 ended with 4.95 million individual CPFs registered in the B3, a reduction of 1.1% compared to the previous year. Therefore, the number of accounts in the depository also saw a drop, from 5.88 million to 5.77 million.
In addition, the Average Daily Financial Volume retracted 14.7%, going from R$ 28.2 million traded per day in 2022 to R$ 24 million in 2023. Despite this momentary retraction, Nubank's movement highlights the dynamics of the financial market and its ability to adapt and attract new investors with innovative share offering strategies.