The arrival of the Bolsa Família Calendar 2023 June is awaited with great expectation throughout the country.
Beneficiaries are searching for information about next month's payment dates every day. Below, we present the new payment dates for June, as well as the latest news related to Bolsa Família 2023.
Family Grant Calendar June 2023
Below is the Bolsa Família Calendar for June 2023, with payment dates:
- June 19: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 1.
- June 20: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 2.
- June 21: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 3.
- June 22: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 4.
- June 23: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 5.
- June 26: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 6.
- June 27: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 7.
- June 28: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 8.
- June 29: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 9.
- June 30: deposit for registrants with NIS ending in 0.
Bolsa Família 2023 Rules
The rules for beneficiaries to receive Auxílio Brasil 2023 (Bolsa Família) remain the same as in 2022. To receive the amounts, the following conditions must be met:
- Families in extreme poverty are those with a per capita family income of zero to R$100.00.
- Families in poverty are those with a per capita family income of R$ 100.01 to R$ 218.00.
- Families with pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers or people aged 0 to 21 years old.
- Being under the Rule of Emancipation.
To apply for Bolsa Família 2023, the family must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and have their data updated in the last 2 years.
Check out the changes to Auxílio Brasil, the new Bolsa Família, which include:
- Setting the minimum value of Auxílio Brasil at R$ 600.
- Additional R$ 150 for each child in the family up to 6 years old, limited to two children per family.
- Requirement of school attendance for children and adolescents from beneficiary families.
- Monitoring family health, including vaccine requirements, such as COVID-19.
To withdraw your Bolsa Família (Auxílio Brasil) funds, you can use the following options:
- Caixa Tem application.
- New Brazil Aid card.
- Old Bolsa Família card.
- Withdrawal without a card, generating the code through Caixa Tem.
- Withdraw at a bank branch of your choice.
Additionally, you can consult Auxílio Brasil 2023 through the following options:
- Auxílio Brasil application, available for Android and iOS systems.
- Ministry of Citizenship, through number 121.
- Caixa Call Center, number 111.
We hope this information is useful to you. If you have any questions, we are here to help.