Fine for watching TV while driving. Understand


Driving requires full attention, and any distraction can be dangerous. In Brazil, watching television or videos while driving is a conduct that can result in a fine, according to the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB).

This rule aims to ensure safety on the road, avoiding distractions that could lead to accidents. Therefore, the CTB establishes that drivers caught in this practice commit a serious infraction, subject to specific penalties. This article explains the rules and consequences of watching TV or videos while driving.

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Penalties provided for in the CTB

THE CTB provides for a fine of R$195.23 and the addition of 5 points to the National Driver's License (CNH) for drivers caught watching television or videos while driving. This infraction is classified as serious, according to article 230, item XII. It is important to emphasize that the legislation seeks to prevent behaviors that may divert the driver's attention and compromise traffic safety.

Exceptions and conditions

There are some circumstances in which watching videos or TV while the car is parked does not count as an infraction. In addition, when the vehicle is in motion, the equipment installed in the front of the vehicle must have an automatic mechanism that makes it inoperative or must be switched to the information function to assist the driver's orientation, without depending on the driver's or passengers' will. These measures are essential to ensure that the driver remains focused on driving the vehicle.


Driving with care and attention is essential for road safety. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid practices such as watching TV or videos while driving, which can result in fines and points on your driver's license, in addition to increasing the risk of accidents. Always remember to stay focused on the road to ensure your safety and that of everyone around you.