More than 20 thousand have already signed up for Minha Casa Minha Vida IN THIS CITY


Minha Casa Minha Vida continues to open registration for families seeking housing assistance. Last week, beneficiaries received great news: exemption from paying installments under the program.

Thus, more than 20 thousand people have already signed up for Minha Casa Minha Vida in Porto Alegre. See more details on the subject below. 

Registration in Porto Alegre

THE Demhab (Municipal Housing Department) received 20,256 requests to participate in the program. It is worth noting that requests can be made through the website, as well as at the department's headquarters, at Avenida Princesa Isabel 1.1115, Azenha neighborhood. 


Despite this, Demhab teams will carry out service drives today (6) in the Lomba do Pinheiro region, at Praça Céu, from 9 am to 4 pm. On Monday and Tuesday (9 and 10) a new drive will be carried out at Rua Coronel Neves, 555. To validate your registration, you must have NIS, CPF and a document with photo. 

In total, 24 areas of Porto Alegre are already registered in the program, 15 of which are municipal. 


Exemption from installments in My House My Life

With the news announced this week it was established that those who are part of Bolsa Família and the (Continuous Payment Program) will no longer need to pay off the installments of Minha Casa Minha Vida. 

In other words, even if beneficiaries stop receiving aid in the future, it will not be necessary to pay the property financing. 

There is also another new development: the federal government has reduced the number of installments required to pay off the contract. The number of installments has fallen from 120 to 60 months for units in the PNHU (National Urban Housing Program). 

Furthermore, the counterpart was 4% for 1% in contracts made by the PNHR (National Rural Housing Program). 

It is worth noting that the federal government will use the money spent on collecting payments from defaulters under the program to finance the exemptions. Today, this expense is R$1.4T 300 million, that is, approximately 60% of the FAR (Residential Leasing Fund) projects are in default. 

Image: Disclosure/ Agência Brasil