Bad News for June: Gas Voucher Cancellation Affects Many Families.


Vale Gás, part of the São Paulo government's Bolsa do Povo program, had its only payment in 2023 made in February. This aid, existing since 2021, granted R$$100 in support to families in the state.

The purpose of this measure was to assist families registered in the Single Registry with a monthly income of up to R$$178 per person. However, after the last payment in February, which follows a bimonthly schedule, the benefit was not released again.

Many were expecting a new installment of aid in April, which did not happen. According to information from the State Secretariat for Social Development (Seds-SP), Vale Gás has been terminated and there will be no new transfers.


Why was Vale Gás extinguished?

The aid was expected to end in December 2022, but beneficiaries received a final payment in February of this year. According to Seds-SP, the program was terminated with the purpose of being reformulated.

The secretary of Seds-SP, Gilberto Nascimento Júnior, declared that the intention is to unify the three benefits of Bolsa do Povo – Vale Gás, Renda Cidadã and Ação Jovem – into one.


This is because, according to information from the Secretariat, most beneficiaries receive all three benefits. For this reason, the government of São Paulo is planning to integrate them.

The unification was expected to happen by April, allowing Vale Gás to continue in a bimonthly format. However, there is no set date for the resumption of the benefit. Even so, it is possible to check the status of the program on the official Bolsa do Povo website of the state government.

The federal government's Gas Aid remains in effect

Unlike the government of São Paulo, the federal government continues to provide the Gas Aid every two months. The objective of the benefit is similar, but the payment is made by the Union.

For Bolsa Família beneficiaries, the Gas Aid was deposited in April, in the amount of R$110. For the month of June, the expectation is that the amount will remain to cover the cost of the 13kg gas cylinder.