Did INSS release extra payment?


The Caixa Tem app, widely recognized for facilitating access to social benefits, has brought to light an issue that has generated expectations among INSS beneficiaries: the possibility of an extra payment in December.

Given the country's current financial situation, many are expecting this additional payment, especially considering the advance payments made previously. Therefore, understand who is entitled to the amounts.

Details about the lump sum payment

In 2023, the 13th salary was brought forward to May and June, benefiting most insured individuals. However, some are still waiting for this bonus, scheduled for November. Among those benefiting are retirees, pensioners and other groups receiving benefits.


It is important to highlight that those who started receiving INSS benefits after May will have the remaining amount paid in a single installment in November. However, there is no forecast of an extra payment in December, but rather an expectation regarding the 14th salary, which, despite being approved, has been paralyzed since August 2022.

Discussions about the INSS 14th Salary

The 14th salary for INSS beneficiaries has been a topic of debate since 2020. Although approved, the bill is still being processed in the Chamber of Deputies and awaits adjustments. It is vital that society follows the discussions and pressures legislators to conclude the bill.


In the meantime, beneficiaries may consider other alternatives financial options, such as payroll loans, avoiding bank advances with high interest rates. Additionally, it is important to mention that the implementation of the 14th salary would bring significant relief to many families, especially in a challenging economic context.

The proposal aims not only to recognize the value of beneficiaries, but also provide a better quality of life, especially during the festive season. In short, the INSS seeks to keep its beneficiaries well informed, ensuring clarity about payments and possible future benefits.

Image: Marcello Casal Jr/ Agência Brasil