This week, Brazilians who benefit from the Gas Aid received great news. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) issued a decree guaranteeing the continuation of the additional payment of 50% in aid until the end of the year, which means that the increased installments will be maintained for a few more months, to the satisfaction of beneficiaries.
The Gas Aid was created with the purpose of covering 50% of the cost of a 13 kg gas cylinder. However, since the previous year, the benefit has been provided to cover 100% of the value of the gas cylinder.
In 2022, former president Jair Bolsonaro began paying the additional 50% benefit shortly before the elections. This caused the value of the Gas Aid to increase from R$$ 53 in June to R$$ 110 in August, with the expansion of the social program ending in December.
However, President Lula maintained the additional payment of the Gas Aid. In January, the federal government issued a provisional measure (MP) that came into effect immediately, but lasted only 120 days. During that time, the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate needed to approve the measure, but this did not happen.
In short, the provisional measure lost its validity and was not even discussed in the National Congress. As an alternative, the parliamentarians included the provision for the additional 50% of the Gas Aid in the Bolsa Família provisional measure. The Federal Senate approved the provisional measure and President Lula issued the decree last Thursday (1st).
In October 2021, former President Bolsonaro signed a law creating Auxílio Brasil, a new social program that replaced Bolsa Família, which had ended after 18 years of existence. However, President Lula revived the program, which is one of the landmarks of the PT governments.
Who can apply for Gas Aid?
The additional payment of 50% for Gas Aid has led to an increase in demand for the benefit by Brazilians. Many have tried to obtain the aid in recent months, but not all have been successful. This is because there are some criteria that must be met to receive Gas Aid. See what they are:
Have an active registration with CadÚnico; and
Have a monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage (R$ 651) per person; or
Have a resident member of the household who receives the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).
Furthermore, the law that established the social program at the end of 2021 also determined that the aid should be granted “preferably to families with women who are victims of domestic violence and who are under the monitoring of urgent protective measures”.
Although this information is very positive and shows many opportunities for
inclusion of beneficiaries in the Gas Aid, the reality in the country is quite different. Many people meet all the requirements, but are unable to obtain approval for the benefit.
In any case, it is worth noting that Bolsa Família users have priority to receive the aid. However, this is not a guarantee that the Gas Aid will be approved. Therefore, beneficiaries must wait every month to find out if they will receive the aid.
Payment schedule in June
The Gas Aid payment was not made in May because the benefit is bimonthly, that is, the payment is made every two months. Since the last installment was released in April, the beneficiaries did not receive the aid last month.
However, with the arrival of June, expectations are growing in the country, since payments will resume. To check if you will receive the benefit, simply follow the official channels of the federal government:
Caixa Tem (Android or iOS);
Bolsa Família (Android or iOS);
CadÚnico (Android or iOS).
Therefore, those who are entitled to the benefit will receive the Gas Aid installment on the same day as the Bolsa Família payment. The installments will be described separately on the statement.
Check the Gas Aid payment dates in June:
June 19: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 1;
June 20: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 2;
June 21: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 3;
June 22: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 4;
June 23: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 5;
June 26: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 6;
June 27: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 7;
June 28: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 8;
June 29: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 9;
June 30: beneficiaries with NIS ending in 0.
In short, the payment of installments follows the final numbering of the Social Identification Number (NIS), which is data that allows the federal government to identify citizens who receive social benefits in the country.