End of Gas Aid payment: benefit returns only in February


Os pagamentos do Auxílio Gás do mês de dezembro terminam hoje e quem recebe neste último dia são os beneficiários de NIS final 0. Além disso, junto com este benefício cai, ainda, o valor do Bolsa Família. 

Sendo assim, veja qual foi o valor do mês de dezembro e confira o calendário do próximo mês de pagamentos, que será em fevereiro. 

See more: Who receives retirement today?


What was the amount of the Gas Aid in December? 

It is important to note that this benefit covers more than 5.4 million families throughout Brazil. Payments are made every two months, and the last one was in October, meaning everyone is eager to know the amount of this installment. 

As always, the value of the installment is based on 100% of the national average price of a 13kg gas cylinder. Therefore, in December the value will be R$ 104. 


February Calendar 

See the full February benefit calendar: 

  • NIS final 1 – February 16;
  • NIS final 2 – February 19;
  • NIS final 3 – February 20;
  • NIS final 4 – February 21;
  • NIS final 5 – February 22;
  • NIS final 6 – February 23;
  • NIS final 7 – February 26
  • NIS final 8 – February 27;
  • NIS final 9 – February 28;
  • Final NIS 0 – February 29th. 

How to avoid the suspension of Gas Aid?

Manter os dados atualizados no Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais (CadÚnico) é crucial para evitar a suspensão do Auxílio Gás. Desse modo, este registro, sob a gestão do governo federal, é a fonte de informações que determina a elegibilidade e o pagamento do benefício.

In other words, anyone who does not update their data runs the imminent risk of losing their benefits. Therefore, it is essential to carry out updates whenever there are changes in family composition, income or other relevant data.

Image: pikisuperstar/ Freepik