Understand the distinctions between suspension, blocking and termination of Bolsa Família.


Understanding the distinction between these three concepts is crucial to ensuring that you receive the benefit properly. Many beneficiaries have questions about the suspension, blocking and cancellation of Bolsa Família, since, although they seem similar, they represent different circumstances.

However, distinguishing between them is essential to dealing with them in the most effective way, and with this in mind, we have compiled key information on the subject to share with you. In this way, we aim to clarify this and other uncertainties related to this aid.

Keep reading until the end and find out more!

Read also: Bolsa Família checks on registrations are ongoing


Understand the particularities between suspension, blocking and cancellation of Bolsa Família.

Bolsa Família is one of the most important social programs of the Federal Government, designed to support vulnerable families. However, questions often arise about terminology associated with the benefit, such as suspension, blocking and cancellation.


Therefore, to decipher the nuances between these terms and their impact on the program's users, it is essential to delve deeper into each one.

What does it mean to suspend Bolsa Família?

Suspending Bolsa Família means that it is necessary to review the registration or some other details provided by the beneficiary families.

In this scenario, assistance pauses momentarily until users make the necessary adjustments or renewals.

What factors lead to suspension?

Furthermore, it is important to mention that the most common reasons for the suspension of Bolsa Família include:

  • Absence of registration renewal;
  • Failure to meet program requirements (such as school attendance and vaccination updates);
  • Change of residence without notification to the program, among others.

How to proceed?

To reactivate the benefit after suspension, the family must update their registration data or resolve the problem that caused the suspension.

Then, just wait for the program to review and release it.

What does the Bolsa Família block mean?

In contrast, blocking Bolsa Família implies potential inconsistencies in aid, such as:

  • Family income higher than permitted;
  • Registration inconsistencies or;
  • Possible fraud.

Under these circumstances, the Government is withholding the benefit for an unspecified period of time, pending analysis and clarification of the situation.

What to do if blocking occurs?

If the benefit is blocked by the Federal Government, it is vital to know the corrective measures.

Therefore, the family must promptly communicate with the local program administrator or the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to clarify details and normalize the situation.

After an assessment, the Government can reactivate the benefit, if the registration is in order.

And the end of the benefit?

Ultimately, Bolsa Família is terminated when it is found that the family no longer meets the program's requirements, whether due to increased income, failure to comply with requirements or for other reasons detected in the program's evaluation.

And the implications of the end of the aid?

In this context, when the benefit ends, the family loses access to Bolsa Família and stops receiving the monthly amount. If there is undue receipt of amounts, it is necessary to return them to the Government.

How to question a breakup?

However, if the family disagrees with the closure, arguments and documents can be presented to validate eligibility during the period under discussion.

However, the benefit will only be returned if the Government identifies flaws in the assessment or application of the criteria.

How to prevent setbacks with the benefit?

To prevent adversities such as suspension, blocking or termination of the benefit, it is vital that families communicate any changes in their records to the program, such as:

  • Change of address;
  • Variation in income or;
  • Changes in family composition.

Furthermore, families must periodically monitor the benefit to ensure compliance with requirements and that their records are up to date.

In this way, the suspension, blocking or termination of the aid can be avoided.

Read also: How to receive Bolsa Família Christmas bonus?

After all, how can we distinguish between suspension, blocking and cancellation of Bolsa Família?

In short, it is vital to recognize that the distinction between suspension, blocking and termination of Bolsa Família lies in the duration of the interruption and the causes of this pause.

This is because the suspension is temporary and originates from registration omissions, the block is for an indefinite period and arises from perceived inconsistencies, while the termination occurs when the family does not fit the program standards.

Therefore, it is essential that beneficiary families remain informed and updated to prevent such scenarios.

Now that you understand the difference between suspension, blocking and termination of Bolsa Família, stay informed and follow the recommendations to avoid such situations!