Raising your Serasa Score: Uncomplicated Tips.


Is your Serasa Score falling? Discover ways to improve your score and secure advantageous credit options!

Many Brazilians are constantly looking for safe credit options. Given this, the Serasa Score stands out as an essential objective for those who want to expand their financial possibilities.

Serasa acts decisively in the financial market, providing vital information that influences the credit decisions of various institutions.


The much-mentioned Serasa Score, a metric that ranges from 0 to 1000, indicates the likelihood of a consumer honoring their financial commitments. Therefore, a higher score indicates a greater chance of obtaining credit.

How is the Serasa Score determined?

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The score is based on various financial habits, including: payment history, existence of active debts, number of CPF inquiries and financial progress.

Based on these elements, Serasa classifies the Score into four segments that show the potential risk of default. The segments are:

  • Very low: 0-300 points. High risk of default;
  • Low: 301-500 points. Moderate risk of default;
  • Good: 501-700 points. Reduced risk of default;
  • Excellent: 701-1000 points. Minimal risk of default.

Strategies to enhance the Serasa Score

Being at the top of the rankings is advantageous in the financial scenario. In general terms, the score acts as a “seal of trust”, validating your reputation as a payer.

In addition, a higher score increases the chances of obtaining financing, as well as credit cards with better conditions, checks and individual loans. Therefore, here are some effective recommendations to increase your score:

  • Negotiate and settle outstanding debts;
  • Ensure that payments on loans, cards and other bills are in order;
  • Use direct debit to prevent delays;
  • Keep your registration information up to date;
  • Check the Positive Registry regularly.

Factors that lower the score

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Unfortunately, just like in many aspects of life, there are mistakes that can compromise your Serasa Score. Here are the ones:

  • Continuous default;
  • Lending your CPF to other people;
  • Disclose credit card details;
  • Neglecting to update your registration data;
  • Apply for credit from multiple institutions in a short period of time.