Is it possible for BPC recipients to receive the 13th salary? Find out more!


Find out whether BPC holders can receive their 13th salary. Explore here!

The Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) works as a welfare support determined by the Organic Law of Social Assistance (LOAS). In addition, it focuses on people who face socioeconomic challenges.

This benefit guarantees the amount of one minimum wage per month, totaling R$1,320 in 2023, even without previous contributions to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). In addition, it is worth noting that the BPC is not eternal, undergoing reviews every two years.


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However, many employees question their right to the 13th salary. So, continue reading to clarify this point.


Who is entitled to BPC?

To access BPC, certain requirements must be met. Initially, holders must be 65 years of age or older or have some kind of disability, with no age restrictions.

Also, the disability must generate prolonged barriers, whether physical, mental, intellectual or sensory, lasting at least 2 years. The income per person in the holder's family cannot exceed 1/4 of the current minimum wage, which represents R$ 330 in 2023.

Furthermore, both the holder and his/her family members must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF). Finally, it is worth noting that Portuguese citizens can also apply for BPC.

Do BPC holders receive a 13th salary?

According to current regulations, the BPC does not include the 13th salary. However, a Bill (PL) under analysis, called PL 2348/2022, seeks to include this salary bonus for these holders.

However, this bill is still awaiting deliberation by the National Congress. During this wait, there is a chance that the 13th salary will be guaranteed to BPC holders. Additionally, it does not guarantee survivor's pension benefits.

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How do I apply for assistance?

In conclusion, to request the Continuous Benefit, candidates can schedule an appointment at the INSS Center, calling 135, accessing the Meu INSS tool or through the app available for Android and iOS.

It is essential to bring photo ID and CPF, as well as documents of family members who share the same residence with the applicant.