The first phase of the Desenrola program, an initiative of the Federal Government, began this Monday (17). During this stage, banks are responsible for establishing the negotiation conditions.
Desenrola aims to help Brazilians in default to negotiate their debts.
For now, attention is mainly focused on citizens classified in Band 2, who have debts of up to R$1,400,000 with banks, assumed before December 31, 2022. For negotiation, debtors must contact the bank where they contracted the debt directly.
Trading conditions
Although the Desenrola program is only in its initial phase, it is noticeable that some banks are already offering benefits. For example, at Santander and Banco do Brasil, customers have the possibility of dividing their debts into up to 120 installments.
Read also: Desenrola Program: Learn how to register with different financial institutions
Federal Savings Bank
Interest rate: Payment in up to 96 months;
Discounts: From 40% to 90% for cash payment.
Bank of Brazil
The interest rate, in turn, varies according to the customer's profile, the time of delay and the type of debt.
Payment term: Up to 120 months;
Discounts: Up to 96% for cash payments.
Interest rate: Not disclosed.
Payment term: Not disclosed.
Discounts: Up to 60% on interest rates.
Interest rate: Depends on the type of debt.
Payment term: Up to 120 months.
Discounts: Up to 90%, depending on the case.
Interest rate: Depends on the type of debt.
Payment term: Up to 60 months.
Interest rate: Not disclosed.
Payment term: Up to 36 months.
Discounts: Up to 90%.
Lula's praise for the project
In his weekly live broadcast, President Lula praised the Desenrola program. He stated that this initiative will help improve credit conditions and encourage people to take on new debts responsibly.
He highlighted the great interest of debtors in banks, with some banks offering discounts of up to 96% on debt. The president also anticipated the extension of the program to retail debts.
Lula emphasized the importance of paying off small debts before the end of the year, encouraging people to take on new debts responsibly.
Track 1 of Desenrola
Read also: Learn all about Amounts Receivable
Although Lula mentioned the operation of the Desenrola app, there is unconfirmed information that the app is not ready yet. This app will allow citizens in Faixa 1 to make negotiations. These are people who earn up to two minimum wages (R$2,640) and have debts of up to R$5,000 incurred by the end of last year.
There is still no date for the start of negotiations for this group. However, it is expected that the Desenrola program will offer better payment conditions for Faixa 1, thanks to the so-called Guarantee Fund.
This is a fund that the Federal Government promises to pay to companies in the event of default. In this way, the creditor begins the negotiation knowing that the debt will be paid off, allowing for better payment conditions. This is the expectation of the Federal Government.