The “Desenrola” initiative generated more than R$13 billion in its first phase. Tap and find out how many individuals got involved in the program.
Great news for the Brazilian economic scenario. In a recent announcement, made today (18), the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) presented the figures for the first stage of “Desenrola”. According to the federation, the banks directly negotiated R$13.2 billion.
“Desenrola Brasil” is a debt renegotiation scheme. The initial phase was exclusively aimed at those in debt with banks and financial institutions. At that time, individuals with incomes ranging from 2 minimum wages to R$20,000 were involved.
Read also: Desenrola Brasil: Renegotiations of Early Debts by Grand Stores
Likewise, negotiations were conducted directly with the creditor banks. In this way, those involved were able to obtain reductions in interest, charges, penalties and, in some cases, the total amount, depending on the bank and the payment method.
“Desenrola” engaged more than 1.4 million customers in its first phase
The initial stage of “Desenrola” ran from July 17 to September 15 of this year. Those in debt only had to go to the banks to obtain an offer to regularize their debts.
According to data from Febraban, 1.460 million people in debt sought out financial institutions. This number of consumers corresponds to almost 1.9 million agreements of various natures that resulted in the movement of R$13.2 billion.
The federation also reported that banks have eliminated credit limitations for approximately 6 million customers with debts of less than R$100.00.
The program continues
The sequel to “Desenrola” is scheduled for the coming weeks. Now, those in debt will have the chance to settle their debts with different retail companies, from basic service bills like water and electricity to supermarket purchases.
Read also: Unroll: Next Stage Offers Debt Installments of up to R$1,400,000
However, only those who earn up to 2 minimum wages (R$ 2,640) or who are registered with CadÚnico may be involved. Furthermore, the amount of debts cannot exceed R$ 5,000.
The federal government plans to introduce a digital tool to facilitate trading. However, to access this platform, users will need to have a account with silver or gold protection.