Desenrola Brasil: Learn the Rules of the New Stage of the Program; Watch Now


The Ministry of Finance announced in the Official Gazette the guidelines for the second phase of Desenrola Brasil, a program aimed at renegotiating debts. This phase, called Faixa 1, will begin in September, targeting people who earn up to two minimum wages or who are registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), as long as their debts do not exceed R$1,400.

Who is eligible to apply?

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Desenrola Brasil’s Band 1 covers bank and consumer debts, such as utility bills and retail purchases. However, it is important to emphasize that secured debts, real estate financing, agricultural credit and operations with external financing or risks are not included in this band.


Rules for debt restructuring:

See below the main rules defined for the renegotiation of debts in Desenrola Brasil Faixa 1:

  • Debts registered up to December 31, 2022 are eligible for renegotiation.
  • The settlement can be made in cash or through financing in up to 60 monthly installments.
  • Those who choose financing do not need to make a down payment.
  • The first monthly payment is due 30 days after renegotiation.
  • The interest rate will be 1.99% monthly.
  • Monthly payments can be paid by direct debit, Pix or bank slip.
  • If the payer fails, the bank has the right to charge and blacklist your name again.

It is important to mention that banks involved in Desenrola Faixa 1 will earn a commission of 2.5% on the principal amount of the restructured debt as compensation for the services offered.


How to get involved in Desenrola Brasil?

To join this phase of Desenrola Brasil, the program has launched an app to speed up the process. It is also possible to register on the Federal Government portal. Here's how:

  • Access the portal.
  • Select “sign in with”.
  • Enter your CPF in the appropriate place.
  • Register or log in with your existing account.
  • If the program is available, the registration will appear.

Impact of the new guidelines

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The purpose of the new guidelines for the second phase of Desenrola Brasil is to expand the program and prioritize the low-income population. By allowing renegotiations of up to R$1,000, the aim is to provide financial relief to those who are having difficulty paying off their debts.

The government's strategy to facilitate renegotiation aims at social inclusion and national economic recovery. Through Desenrola Brasil, it is expected that more citizens will regularize their finances and regain access to credit and other assistance.

Now that the guidelines are available, it is crucial that interested parties are aware of the timelines and steps. Debt restructuring can be a valuable opportunity to restore financial stability.

Therefore, if your debts qualify for Desenrola Brasil, take advantage of this opportunity. Access the government portal or use the program's app and follow the instructions. Participating can bring benefits, such as regularizing your situation and recovering your financial health.

Don't miss this chance to join Desenrola Brasil and benefit from the facilities. Adapt to the new guidelines and move towards financial stability and well-being.