Band 1 of the Desenrola Brasil program is intended for individuals with a monthly income of R$2,640 or those registered with CadÚnico.
This Monday (25), the federal government begins the subsequent phase of the Desenrola Brasil program. Initially, the discount auction will take place, where creditors registered in the program must declare the amount of debts they are willing to reduce.
The subsequent stage is aimed at the public in Band 1, made up of individuals with a monthly income of up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,640) or registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).
Read also: UNROLL BRAZIL: New stage provides debt adjustment for more citizens!
The government's projection is that approximately 40 million people in this range could benefit, renegotiating around R$50 billion in debts.
It will be possible to renegotiate amounts up to R$1,991,000, divided into up to 60 installments. The applicable interest rate is R$1,991,000 per month, with the minimum installment set at R$1,991,000. Registration with the government's digital services will be essential to proceed with the renegotiation.
Transactions related to Desenrola Band 1 will be exempt from IOF.
Debts subject to renegotiation include consumer and financial debts, such as:
- Water;
- Light;
- Telephone;
- Retail.
The program only includes debts incurred between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022. Debts linked to real guarantees, rural credit, real estate financing and operations with third-party funding or risks will not be covered.
Tips for Debt Renegotiation
It is crucial to understand that renegotiating debts does not cancel them.
The purpose of Desenrola is to establish debt payment installments that are compatible with the debtor's financial planning. Therefore, the commitment to timely payment of renegotiated debts is vital to avoid future negative entries.
Lucas Rodrigues, a lawyer specializing in Business Law and a member of the Banking Law Committee of the OAB/MS, emphasizes the need for debtors to manage their payment capacity, knowing their financial limits.
Rodrigues advises meticulously recording all monthly financial transactions to maintain a clear view of the capital available to pay off debts.
When structuring payment, the lawyer highlights the importance of understanding the total effective cost of the debts in question, which includes the principal, interest and additional charges.
“Understanding this amount is crucial when deciding which debt to prioritize, as debts with a higher effective cost can grow more quickly if they are not paid off,” explains Rodrigues.
Once structured, the Business Law specialist suggests that the debtor use extra income resources to negotiate more favorable renegotiation conditions.
“Using any surplus in monthly income to obtain more advantageous conditions in the renegotiation is a valid strategy”, explains Rodrigues.
Read also: Unroll: Understand the Auction Mechanism for Creditors!
Find out how to participate
Debtors in Band 1 who have their debts contemplated in the auction will be able to participate in Desenrola.
To do so, the debtor must register on the platform.
Furthermore, the Band 1 audience must have an account with a silver or gold certification level and provide updated registration data.