According to the Treasury, 924 companies have joined the program. Individuals with debts of less than R$1,000 will be able to join the final stage of the Desenrola Brasil program at the end of this month. The Treasury expects substantial discounts, similar to the inaugural stage, where financial institutions granted discounts of up to R$961,000.
In total, 924 companies with outstanding consumer credits have joined the program. They account for 86% of all outstanding amounts up to R$$ 5 thousand from citizens, according to the Treasury.
This stage of the program has a reputation for being the most accessible and is the main reason for establishing Desenrola. This is because it covers debts ranging from energy bills to credit card bills.
The program has a very specific focus: it serves individuals with a monthly income of up to two minimum wages and also those registered in the federal government's Single Registry for Social Programs.
Read also: Desenrola Brasil begins second phase of renegotiation: Find out who can benefit now
How to join?
Similar to the previous step, there will be a website where the debtor will have to register to join the debt restructuring scheme. This website is expected to be available by the end of next week.
In addition to the discount on the amount due, the debtor will have the option of paying the remaining balance in full or in installments.
The defaulter may use their own funds or obtain financing from an institution accredited in the program to pay off the debt.
Participants will be able to divide their debts into up to 60 installments, without the need to make an initial payment. In addition, the interest rate will be 1.99% per month. Monthly installments can be paid by direct debit, Pix or boleto.
How will the Desenrola negotiation take place?
The aim is to establish a competition between creditors, similar to an auction, scheduled for the end of next week.
At this time, debts will be grouped into categories such as credit card, commerce, electricity and sanitation.
Proposals with the highest discounts will have priority in the renegotiation, with the guarantee of the program. If the debtor does not comply with the agreement, the fund will compensate the company.
The government will soon provide detailed information about this auction.
How much is set aside to guarantee these transactions?
R$1.4T 8 billion was allocated from the Operations Guarantee Fund (FGO) to ensure and encourage competition among creditors.
The volume of debts to be renegotiated, at this stage, exceeds the FGO ceiling, which will only guarantee financed debts, excluding payments in cash.
In June, the Planalto released initial projections of R$50 billion, which could serve 43 million people. The Treasury will still define the final figures.
Summary of the initial stage of Desenrola
Read also: Desenrola Brasil: Renegotiations of Early Debts by Grand Stores
Desenrola will continue until the end of the year, according to the provisional measure that established the program. The idea is that transactions will occur quickly, as seen at the beginning of the program.
In the inaugural phase, which the government celebrated, the focus was on bank debts of consumers with incomes of up to R$1,400,000.
In the latest survey, Febraban recorded an amount of R$11.7 billion traded in this format.
The total number of renegotiated contracts reached 1.6 million, benefiting around 1.25 million account holders, according to the Federation.
At the same time, at this stage, banks excluded from their records approximately ten million debts smaller than R$100.
Febraban also reported that six million individuals had their names cleared after paying off these small debts.