Find Out Now: How to Know Your NIS Number


Today, we bring you a step-by-step guide to help you find out your Social Identification Number (NIS). This number, which is essential for Brazilian workers, can be a real puzzle if you don’t know exactly where or how to find it. So, let’s solve this!

The NIS is assigned to all workers in Brazil and is essential for accessing many social programs and government benefits. It is issued by Caixa Econômica Federal and can be found on various documents. However, many people do not know how or where to look for it.

Here is our step-by-step guide to finding out your Social Identification Number (NIS):


1. Work Card:

The easiest way to find your NIS number is on your work card. It is usually located on the first page, near your PIS number. If you can’t find it, look for an 11-digit number – this is your NIS.


2. Citizen Card:

Another place where you can find your NIS number is on your Citizen Card. It is printed on the front of the card.

3. Online consultation:

If you don't have your Work Card or Citizen Card handy, you can also check your NIS number online. To do this, you will need to access the 'Meu INSS' website and create an account. After logging in, look for the “Registration data” option and you will find your NIS number.

4. By telephone:

You can also check your NIS number by calling INSS on 135. The service is available from Monday to Saturday, from 7 am to 10 pm (Brasília time).

Remember: Your NIS is crucial to ensuring that you have access to all the benefits you are entitled to, so it is important to have this number on hand. We hope this guide has made the task of finding your NIS number easier and more straightforward. 

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