Check Now the Official Gas Voucher Calendar for August 2023: Who Will Receive It and When


Payment of the Vale-gás national social benefit begins next August. Find out who is eligible for this benefit.

Even though the Bolsa Família disbursements have not finished, many citizens are already focusing on the national gas voucher. The program, which is bimonthly in nature, makes payments at two-month intervals. Having made one payment last June, the next payment is scheduled for August.

The Federal Government has already set the payment dates. According to official information, payments will resume on August 18. As in previous months, to determine when the benefit will be received, citizens must check the end of their Social Identification Number (NIS).


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Check it out below:


  • Users with NIS ending in 2: August 21 (Monday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 3: August 22 (Tuesday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 4: August 23 (Wednesday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 5: August 24 (Thursday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 6: August 25 (Friday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 7: August 28 (Monday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 8: August 29 (Tuesday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 9: August 30 (Wednesday);
  • Users with NIS ending in 0: August 31 (Thursday).

As in previous months, the Gas Aid will follow the Bolsa Família calendar. If the citizen is entitled to both benefits, they can accumulate the amounts on the same date. There is no rule prohibiting the accumulation of these two payments.


To qualify for the National Gas Aid, citizens must have an active and up-to-date account in the CadÚnico system. In addition, per capita income must be up to half the minimum wage, equivalent to R$$ 660 per family.

Additionally, the Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight Against Hunger requires that the family have at least one member who is a beneficiary of the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).

Even if all the above conditions are met, citizens are not automatically included in the National Gas Aid system. They must wait for the selection process by the Ministry of Social Development, which takes place every two months.

Bolsa Família participants, as well as women who are victims of domestic violence and under protective measures, receive priority in the selection process for the social program.

How to register for Gas Aid

There is no direct registration system for receiving the National Gas Aid. However, citizens interested in receiving the benefit next August can take steps to increase their chances of being selected.

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Current participation in the program

If you are already participating in the National Gas Aid, you don't need to worry. The Ministry of Social Development will automatically renew your registration. If you continue to follow all the rules for remaining eligible, you will be confirmed for the August payments.

However, even those who participate in the National Gas Aid must update their CadÚnico. The list must be updated at least once every two years, or whenever there is a significant change in the family.

No participation in the program

If you have never received the National Gas Aid and want to start receiving it, the tip is to register in the CadÚnico system as soon as possible. The city hall of each city is responsible for this registration, which usually takes place at the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS).

Those who are already registered with CadÚnico and do not participate in the social program must keep the list updated with true information. This way, the chance of being selected not only for the Gas Aid, but also for other Federal Government programs, increases.