Gas Aid is a benefit made available by the federal government, with the aim of reducing the effects of the cost of gas cylinders on the budgets of families in situations of social vulnerability.
The program is bimonthly, that is, every two months. The payment schedule is the same as Bolsa Família. See below who are the people who can receive the Gas Aid amount.
Who is entitled to Gas Aid?
The first requirement is to be registered with CadÚnico, as this is the gateway to other government social programs. In addition, the monthly per capita family income must be less than or equal to half the minimum wage.
The Gas Aid also covers families that have people living in the same house and who receive the BPC (Continuous Benefit Payment).
I'm not registered with CadÚnico, what now?
As mentioned before, being registered with CadÚnico is very important, but if you are not yet a member, don't worry. If you want to register, just go in person to the Cras (Social Assistance Reference Center) in your city and bring your CPF and voter registration card.
It is worth noting that benefit payments are deposited into a digital or bank account. If the family does not have access to any of these options, it is possible to open a digital social savings account.
October Calendar
The transfers of the benefit occur according to the NIS of each beneficiary. See the complete calendar of Gas Aid for the month of October:
- NIS final 1 – October 18;
- NIS final 2 – October 19;
- NIS final 3 – October 20;
- NIS final 4 – October 23;
- NIS final 5 – October 24;
- NIS final 6 – October 25;
- NIS final 7 – October 26;
- NIS final 8 – October 27;
- NIS final 9 – October 30;
- NIS ending 0 – October 31st.
Image: Marcello Casal/ Agência Brasil