Bolsa Família is a social assistance program from the Brazilian government, aimed at families living in poverty and extreme poverty. To find out if you are eligible for this benefit, it is essential to understand the eligibility criteria and the steps required to apply.
First, it is essential to be registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico). This registry is the gateway to several social programs, including Bolsa Família. Interested families must ensure that their data is updated in CadÚnico, especially if there are changes in family composition or socioeconomic situation.
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Bolsa Família eligibility criteria
To qualify for Bolsa Família, family must meet certain income criteria. Families in extreme poverty, with a monthly income of up to R$$ 89.00 per person, and families in poverty, with an income between R$$ 89.01 and R$$ 178.00 per person, as long as they have pregnant women, nursing mothers, children or adolescents between 0 and 17 years old, are eligible.
In addition, the user must keep the registration updated every two years or whenever significant changes occur in the family. To ensure continued receipt of the benefit, families must comply with conditions, such as keeping vaccination records up to date for children under seven years old, nutritional monitoring for children and pregnant women, and a minimum school attendance of 75% for children and adolescents of school age.
Payment schedule and access to benefits
Once a family qualifies for Bolsa Família, the benefit is released according to a payment schedule established by the government. This schedule takes into account each beneficiary's Social Security Number (NIS). Payment dates vary each month as determined by the Ministry of Citizenship. It is important to follow this schedule to know when the benefit will be available for withdrawal. Bolsa Família represents an important support for millions of Brazilian families, contributing to the reduction of poverty and the promotion of food and nutritional security.