The Gas Aid, a federal government program, has been a relief for many Brazilian families. With the increase in the price of cooking gas, this aid has become essential. To apply, you must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and meet certain income criteria. Therefore, families with a per capita income of up to half the minimum wage or that have among their members people who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) are eligible.
The registration process is simple, but requires attention. First, check that your data in CadÚnico is up to date. This is crucial, as the government uses this information to determine who is eligible for the benefit. Then, wait for your registration to be analyzed. The government performs this check periodically to identify eligible families.
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Eligibility criteria for Gas Aid
To be eligible for Gas Assistance, it is important to meet some specific criteria. Your family must be enrolled in the CadÚnico, with data updated over the last two years. In addition, the per capita family income must be up to half the minimum wage. Families with members who receive BPC also qualify. These criteria aim to ensure that the aid reaches those who really need it.
Step by step guide to requesting assistance
Applying for Gas Assistance is a process that requires a few steps. First, register with CadÚnico through a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or through the online platform. Always keep your data updated. Therefore, after registering, the government will select eligible families. If your family is selected, the assistance will be deposited automatically. Pay attention to the payment dates and program rules to ensure that you receive the benefit correctly.