How to avoid the Bolsa Família block?


For Bolsa Família beneficiaries, avoiding having their benefits blocked is crucial. The government recently announced new rules that could lead to the blocking or cancellation of benefits if they do not comply. One of the main causes of blocking is outdated data in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

Therefore, it is essential to keep information up to date, including changes in family composition, address and income. Another common reason for blocking is the lack of justification for absence from elections, something that can be easily avoided by regularizing the electoral situation.

In addition, legal injunctions in the name of the beneficiary, ownership discrepancies and problems with the Federal Revenue Service, such as failure to submit the annual Income Tax return when mandatory, can also result in suspension. Therefore, to avoid these problems, it is important that beneficiaries are aware of these details and act promptly to regularize any pending issues. Therefore, a useful tool is the CPF consultation at the Federal Revenue Service, which is available online and free of charge.


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Keeping your registration up to date for Bolsa Família

To maintain the Bolsa Família benefit, it is essential:


  • Update regularly the CadÚnico.
  • Justify absence from elections, if necessary.
  • Resolve issues with the Federal Revenue Service.

Preventive actions

In addition to keeping the registration up to date, beneficiaries must:

  • Check your benefit status regularly.
  • Be aware of notifications from the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance.
  • Check your CPF with the Federal Revenue Service to avoid blockages.

To avoid being blocked from receiving Bolsa Família, users must keep their registration data up to date, resolve electoral and tax issues, and be aware of official notifications. By taking these measures, beneficiaries can ensure that they continue to receive this important benefit.