Brazilians Celebrate: Caixa's Brazil Unravels Restructures Billions in Debt


The government launched the Desenrola Brasil debt renegotiation program on July 17, and it quickly gained traction. Within a month, Caixa Econômica Federal had renegotiated debts worth R$1.5 billion. On Wednesday (16), the bank presented a report highlighting that it had consolidated more than 88,000 contracts with approximately 70,000 customers.

According to Caixa, 92% of these agreements involved immediate payments. The main debts discussed with customers under the Desenrola Brasil program were related to credit cards, followed by overdrafts and Direct Consumer Credit (CDC).

The government created Desenrola Brasil to alleviate citizens' debt burdens by offering discounts of up to 90% for cash payments. In addition, the program allows for installments of up to 120 months, with the down payment and first installment due after 30 days.


Caixa has extended special offers to renegotiate housing loans. In this scenario, the bank proposes incorporation, partial payment and the use of the Severance Pay Guarantee Fund (FGTS). The Caixa Qualification application details the renegotiation conditions, customized for each agreement.

To clarify any questions, interested parties can consult the terms of Desenrola Brasil and Caixa's renegotiation program on the Negociar Dívidas website. This website provides details on discounts and contracts included.


Further information about Desenrola Brasil can be found on the Caixa website, at bank branches and by calling Alô Caixa, accessible on 4004 0104 (capitals and metropolitan regions) and 0800-104-0104 (other regions).

How Desenrola Brasil works

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According to the Ministry of Finance, Desenrola Brasil operates through a reverse auction between creditors, classified by type of credit. Thus, the creditor who offers the highest discount enters the program, placing the debt in renegotiation with a guarantee of settlement.

The government confirmed that Desenrola Brasil will be divided into three phases. The first two began with the launch of the program on July 17, aiming to settle bank debts up to R$1,400. At the auction, banks can raise funds to ensure renegotiation.

Program structure

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Desenrola Brasil has two categories. The first includes individuals who earn up to two minimum wages or are registered in the Single Registry, who had negative credit ratings up until December 31, 2022.

To pay off debts, beneficiaries can resort to bank loans, backed by the federal Operations Guarantee Fund (FGO).

The second category, according to the Ministry of Finance, is dedicated only to bank debtors. Here, the renegotiation occurs directly between customers and banks, without the supervision of the FGO.