Bradesco will make a payment of R$30,000; check out the winners.


After deliberation by the Labor Court, Bradesco will make a disbursement of R$$30 thousand. See in-depth information on the topic!

In a recent labor dispute, the Judiciary instructed Bradesco bank to make a payment of R$1,400,000 to an employee. This occurred because the bank neglected the employee's visual condition, assigning him a task that was inappropriate for his restriction.

Therefore, facing numerous obstacles and reprimands from leadership for unsatisfactory performance, the individual chose to seek Labor Justice. Continue reading and learn more about this episode!


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Bradesco will disburse R$$30 thousand

The incident took place in Itapetinga, located in the heart of Bahia. The bank employee in question has albinism, which means she has a total or partial deficiency of melanin. Consequently, individuals with this genetic condition often have visual problems, as is the case with the aforementioned bank employee.


The issue arose when she was assigned to a task that required reading documents with typography and tiny numbers, resulting in a performance below expectations. Because of this, she faced frequent reprimands from management. During the process, witnesses reported that the bank employee became emotional after such encounters.

It is crucial to emphasize that the bank employee stated before the Federal Court that Bradesco was fully aware of her disability. However, the bank sent her to a task that was inconsistent with her disability. Thus, it violated the Statute of Persons with Disabilities, which establishes accessibility standards and accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

Court Verdict

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Thus, the judge in charge, Antônio Souza Lemos Jr., was assertive in his opinion. He emphasized that national legislation, through the Statute of Persons with Disabilities, proposes the inclusion of everyone in the workplace. In this case, the bank was aware of the employee's situation and was therefore negligent in not adapting the position or relocating her.

Therefore, the amount of R$$30 thousand was stipulated as compensation to the bank employee by the Regional Labor Court of the 5th Region (TRT5). However, it is important to note that the decision is still subject to appeal. In other words, Bradesco can contest the decision to avoid the payment. In the opinion, the judge notes that the bank not only disregarded the bank employee's condition, but also demanded that she achieve the same productivity as her colleagues.

“It is not enough to simply provide opportunities in the job market. It is imperative to open the doors of the job market and make it accessible, taking into account the particularities of people with disabilities.” The judge made these statements when announcing his decision. To date, the funds have not been disbursed.