The Organic Law on Social Assistance (LOAS) governs the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Let's see who is entitled!
LOAS controls the INSS BPC, since it is a welfare benefit, not a retirement benefit. This social security benefit is intended for seniors over 65 years of age and people with disabilities of any age who have low income and do not contribute to the INSS.
Like all government income transfer programs, BPC has its own rules. In short, if you prove eligibility for BPC, you can receive a monthly minimum wage from INSS.
What are the rules for receiving BPC?
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To qualify for this benefit, your per capita income must not exceed ¼ of the current minimum wage. Based on the current minimum wage, this limit is R$$ 330. To demonstrate this situation of social vulnerability, you and your family must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).
For people with disabilities, it is crucial to provide supporting documents for this condition. It can be a physical, mental, sensory or intellectual disability; in this case, the condition must be disabling for at least two years.
Therefore, a medical examination from the INSS must validate the condition. You can request both the BPC and the medical examination mentioned on the INSS website or on the Meu INSS app, available for Android and iOS.
Points to highlight about the INSS welfare benefit
One positive aspect is that BPC beneficiaries are included in the list of beneficiaries of the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE). Thus, they can have a discount of up to 65% on their electricity bill.
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Some points are not necessarily negative, but should be mentioned. For example, BPC is not a retirement pension; therefore, dependents do not receive a survivor's pension if the beneficiary dies.
Furthermore, the BPC does not include the payment of the INSS thirteenth salary, as, like the survivor's pension, this is an exclusive right for contributors.
Finally, it is essential to update your CadÚnico every two years. This way, you will remain in compliance with the eligibility rules for the BPC benefit.