Bolsa Família beneficiaries receive extra payment this Wednesday.


The Bolsa Família disbursements for October began on the 18th and will continue until the 31st. Therefore, a different group receives the benefit installments every day. This Wednesday (10/25), Caixa Econômica Federal made the deposit for those registered with NIS (Social Identification Number) ending in 6.

Many people enrolled in the program have the chance to withdraw their payments with increases, based on the configuration of their family unit. These adjustments are the result of recent updates to Bolsa Família, implemented by the Federal Government in recent times.

Below, find out the amount of aid for this month and check the complete schedule of upcoming payments.


Read also: Bolsa Família Payment: See How to Withdraw if Your NIS Ends in 5

Caixa deposits Bolsa Família with extra this Wednesday

Those registered with Bolsa Família, with NIS ending in 6 and who meet the family structure criteria, have the possibility of receiving extra installments today.


Initially, the Ministry of Social Development (MDS) confirms a transfer of R$ 142 per family member, ensuring that each nucleus does not receive less than R$ 600.

Above the amount of R$ 600, many beneficiaries are also entitled to an additional amount of up to R$ 150 per person. See who is eligible:

  • Pregnant and lactating women (extra R$ 50);
  • Children and young people aged 7 to 17 (extra R$ 50);
  • Children up to 6 years old (extra R$ 150).

Furthermore, the additional amounts accumulate. This indicates that larger families tend to earn more. Keeping your registration in CadÚnico (the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Assistance) up to date is crucial to ensuring the extras.

This is because CadÚnico collects data from all those enrolled in government assistance programs. The government then uses these records to distribute its aid.

In general, the beneficiary must update their information whenever there are changes, such as the entry or exit of members or salary changes. It is essential that the family leader also updates the data every two years, even without changes.

To update CadÚnico, go to the nearest CRAS (Social Assistance and Reference Center) with your personal documents and those of other residents of the household.

Payment schedule

Bolsa Família payments will continue until October 31st. Therefore, many registered people will soon see the additional amounts. Below is the full schedule:

  • NIS final 1: October 18;
  • NIS final 2: October 19;
  • NIS final 3: October 20;
  • NIS final 4: October 23;
  • NIS final 5: October 24;
  • NIS final 6: October 25;
  • NIS final 7: October 26;
  • NIS final 8: October 27;
  • NIS final 9: October 30;
  • Final NIS 0: October 31st.

It is worth noting that, during this period, payments of the Gas Aid also occur. The benefit is given bimonthly and follows the same rhythm as the Bolsa Família. Therefore, those who participate in both programs have a supplementary income in October.

Read also: Race against the clock for Bolsa Família beneficiaries. Understand

How to withdraw Bolsa Família and Gas Aid?

Caixa deposits the Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás amounts into the beneficiaries' digital accounts. Therefore, access is possible through the Caixa Tem app.

There, holders can make transfers, PIX, pay bills, top up cell phones and use other Caixa services.

However, for those who prefer to withdraw the amount in cash, the bank offers service points for withdrawals (branches, ATMs, Caixa Aqui, lottery houses).