The Bolsa Família program, created by the Brazilian Federal Government, aims to combat poverty and social inequality. This program encompasses a variety of benefits, which depend on the situation of each recipient. In this article from Notícias Concursos, we will explore in detail the benefits of Bolsa Família, the prerequisites for receiving them, and who is eligible to receive the benefit this October.
Benefits of Bolsa Família
Bolsa Família provides various financial aids to families in vulnerable situations. Let's explore each of them:
Citizenship Income Benefit (BRC)
Read also: BOLSA FAMÍLIA: Documentation Required for Registration at CRAS!
Bolsa Família provides the Citizenship Income Benefit, which is an amount of R$ 142, paid monthly to each family member who meets the program's qualifying criteria.
Supplementary Benefit (BCO)
The Supplementary Benefit ensures that all families receive at least R$ 600, with an additional amount given to families whose total benefits do not reach this amount.
Early Childhood Benefit (BPI)
The Early Childhood Benefit provides an additional R$ 150 for each child aged between zero and seven years old, aiming to ensure specific financial support for families with children in this age group.
Family Variable Benefit (BVF)
The Family Variable Benefit provides an additional R$ 50 for pregnant women, children and adolescents between 7 and 18 years of age, with the intention of helping with expenses related to food and basic care for these family members.
Variable Family Benefit for Nursing Mothers (BVN)
The Variable Family Benefit for Nursing Mothers grants an additional R$ 50 for each family member up to seven months old who is breastfeeding, with the aim of promoting breastfeeding and ensuring adequate health and nutrition for babies.
Extraordinary Transition Benefit (BET)
The Extraordinary Transition Benefit is intended for specific cases, ensuring that no beneficiary receives less than in the previous program, Auxílio Brasil, and will be maintained until May 2025.
Conditions for Receiving Bolsa Família
To qualify for Bolsa Família, families must meet prerequisites related to health and education, with the aim of directing the benefit to families that truly need it. Therefore, in the month of October, families that meet all the program's prerequisites are eligible to receive Bolsa Família. Let's see what the main conditions are:
School attendance
Read also: Bolsa Família: New Payment Schedule for October
Families benefiting from Bolsa Família must guarantee school attendance for children and adolescents aged four to 17, which implies that these family members must be enrolled in regular schools and attend classes regularly.
Prenatal care
Pregnant women should undergo prenatal care in health units, which is crucial to ensuring the health of the mother and child and allowing early detection of problems, in addition to providing access to appropriate medical care.
Monitoring nutritional status
The Bolsa Família program also requires nutritional monitoring of children up to the age of seven, carried out by measuring their weight and height. It is vital that families regularly monitor their children's development and growth and provide them with healthy nutrition.
National vaccination calendar
Families receiving Bolsa Família must adhere to the national vaccination calendar, which indicates that children must be vaccinated according to their age, ensuring protection against diseases and contributing to collective health.
When enrolling a child in a school and ensuring their vaccination at a health center, it is essential to inform that the family is a Bolsa Família beneficiary, helping to keep records up to date and ensuring that the family meets all the necessary conditions to continue receiving the aid.
Financial protection
The Bolsa Família program assertively combats poverty and inequality in Brazil. It provides financial protection to families experiencing situations of vulnerability, providing benefits categorically structured for different ages and needs. However, maintaining compliance with the conditions stipulated by the program is crucial to ensuring the maintenance of the benefit.
The information provided in this article about the benefits of Bolsa Família and the conditions for receiving it provide essential knowledge for families. This way, they can understand the program more deeply and ensure that they are adhering to all of its regulations. Bolsa Família, in turn, plays a vital role in fostering social inclusion and supporting families in vulnerable situations, thus strengthening the social and economic growth of the nation.
Payment Schedule for October
- NIS ended 1: October 18;
- NIS ended 2: October 19;
- NIS ending 3: October 20;
- NIS ended 4: October 23;
- NIS ending 5: October 24;
- NIS ended 6: October 25;
- NIS ended 7: October 26;
- NIS ended 8: October 27;
- NIS ended at 9:30 October;
- NIS ending in 0: October 31;