URGENT NOTICE! BOLSA FAMÍLIA beneficiaries: Prepare for home visits!


Check out who the MDS included in the audit. The MDS (Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger) manages all government social programs. They revealed that in the coming months, a social assistance specialist will visit beneficiaries of the new Bolsa Família.

The motivation for this action is to confirm whether families receiving the recent financial aid are effectively following the established guidelines. The professionals will also verify the veracity of information about housing conditions and update records on site, if necessary. However, it is vital to understand that only a specific set of Bolsa Família families will be subject to these assessments.

Read also: Who receives Bolsa Família this Tuesday?


Bolsa Família families that the CCSS will inspect

This is because the new Bolsa Família currently implements two data confirmation procedures. First, there is the monthly Cadastral Analysis process, which evaluates the information of more than 21 million vulnerable families in the program to ensure compliance with the rules.

The second process, called Individual Cadastral Assessment of 2023, focuses on single beneficiaries – those who stated that they live alone during their registration with CadÚnico. This process aims to confirm whether these beneficiaries really live alone or whether they provided erroneous information in order to gain more benefits.


Therefore, all families receiving the new financial aid have the government's attention, with a special focus on single-person families. This focus has led to significant blockages, encouraging families to seek out the CCSS to update their data and prove their eligibility. Beneficiaries who do not follow this procedure face withdrawal of the aid.

As a result of these actions, the Ministry of Social Development has instructed CCSS agents to make home visits to Bolsa Família families. This will facilitate the updating of data for those who are unable to go to the CCSS due to distance issues and to verify the housing conditions of families and the situation of individual families, among other checks.

Limited number of visits

However, it is worth noting that CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Centers) receive municipal funding. Often, these local administrations do not have sufficient funds to employ the number of specialists needed to visit all families in the program. Therefore, only some families will receive visits in their homes, and without an official list available, it is recommended that beneficiaries do not wait for visits, but seek out CRAS when necessary.

Read also: How to register for Bolsa Família in 2023

Bolsa Família payment schedule for November

As for the November payments of the new Bolsa Família, the dates are on the official calendar, occurring between the 17th and 30th of the coming month. Payments will follow the following order:

  • End of NIS 1 – credit on November 17th;
  • End of NIS 2 – credit on November 20th (available on 11/18);
  • End of NIS 3 – credit on November 21st;
  • End of NIS 4 – credit on November 22;
  • End of NIS 5 – credit on November 23;
  • End of NIS 6 – credit on November 24th;
  • End of NIS 7 – credit on November 27th (available on 11/25);
  • End of NIS 8 – credit on November 28th;
  • End of NIS 9 – credit on November 29th;
  • End of NIS 0 – credit on November 30th.

This facilitates the financial organization of beneficiaries, aligning with the dates corresponding to the last digit of their NIS (Social Identification Number).