The inclusion aid is a financial benefit implemented by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) aimed at people with disabilities (PCD) who receive the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) and find employment.
Introduced to complement the BPC, the aid seeks to promote the social and labor inclusion of these people, allowing them to enter the job market without losing the right to the original benefit.
Therefore, the main objective of the aid is to provide support financial additional support while the person with a disability is employed. This support is vital to help overcome the economic and social barriers that often prevent full participation in the workplace.
Operation of the Inclusion Aid
Upon obtaining employment, a person with a disability who receives BPC may have the benefit temporarily suspended and replaced by inclusion aid. This benefit is calculated as half the value of BPC, resulting in a payment of up to R$1,706 per month, according to the current value of BPC, which is R$1,412.
Furthermore, if the beneficiary of the benefit loses his/her job, he/she has the option of reactivating the BPC in its full amount. To reactivate the BPC, contact the INSS in person at a branch or by calling 135, which offers self-service.
Requirements to Receive Aid
To be entitled to inclusion assistance, you must meet a series of criteria established by the government:
- Have a moderate or severe disability;
- Be receiving BPC and get a job with a salary of up to two minimum wages;
- Having had BPC suspended due to entering the job market (with a salary of up to two minimum wages) in the last five years;
- Have a per capita family income equal to or less than a quarter of the minimum wage.
- Have a valid CPF, with no outstanding debts;
- Maintain the Single Registry (CadÚnico) updated.
However, these requirements ensure that the aid goes to those who need financial support to enter the job market without losing their BPC.
Importance of Inclusion Aid
Inclusion aid is crucial for people with disabilities, as it resolves the dilemma of losing BPC when getting a job.
Before the implementation of this benefit, many people with disabilities were hesitant to seek employment due to fear of losing their BPC, which represented vital financial security.
The aid removes this barrier, allowing a smoother transition into the job market. The inclusion aid reinforces the autonomy and dignity of people with disabilities, encouraging the search for employment and contributing to a more inclusive society.
However, the implementation of the inclusion aid in 2021, through Law 14,176, was a significant step towards promoting the social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities in Brazil.
Therefore, this benefit offers not only financial support, but also renewed hope for a more dignified and inclusive life for thousands of Brazilians with disabilities.
Image: Reproduction/Internet.