Sickness Benefit vs. Disability Retirement


Sickness Benefit and Disability Retirement are social security benefits guaranteed to contributors to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Both serve the purpose of insuring workers who need to be absent from their work activities due to illness or accident.

The main difference between them is the length of the period of incapacity. While Sickness Benefit is intended for those who are only temporarily incapacitated, Disability Retirement is aimed at those who are permanently disabled.

Requirements for receiving Sickness Benefit or Disability Retirement

The requirements for receiving Sickness Benefit and Disability Retirement are basically the same. In both cases, the applicant must have insured status (be in active employment, have their contributions to the INSS up to date, or be within the grace period).


It is also necessary, in principle, to comply with a 12-month contribution requirement. However, there are cases where this is not necessary, such as in the following cases:

The only requirement that changes from one type of benefit to another, however, is the ability to prove the nature of the disability. A medical examination conducted by the INSS will be responsible for determining whether the disability is temporary or permanent.


How to apply for benefits

You can apply for any of these benefits online. To do so, simply go to the INSS website or download the Meu INSS app (for Android and iOS) and look for the “New Request” option, then select the option you want.

You must provide everything requested by the app, such as personal data and supporting documents. You can then schedule an in-person medical examination through the app.

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