Lula confirms extension of gas aid in June


Through a decree, the president reiterated that the amount of the National Gas Aid will be formally increased. Understand

The uncertainty surrounding the disbursements of the National Gas Aid for the month of June has ended. On Thursday night (1), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) issued a decree stipulating the continuation of the increased value of the program in the coming weeks. This determination ensures high amounts for the beneficiaries of the program.

On the same day (1), the National Congress formally concluded the vote on the Bolsa Família Provisional Measure (MP). The proposal also supports the continuation of the increased value of the national gas aid. However, it requires presidential approval to effectively come into effect. Congress has not yet set a date for forwarding the document to the Planalto Palace.


This gap in sending the document caused concern for the Federal Government. Thus, they chose to publish a decree to ensure the increased disbursements of the Gas Aid in June, even if the president takes a few more days to sanction the Provisional Measure (MP) approved by the National Congress this week.

The incremented value

When it was established, the National Gas Aid stipulated that the Government should always pay R$50% of the average national price of a 13-kilo gas cylinder. This definition is the responsibility of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). If the average price of a cylinder were R$100, for example, the Government would have to transfer R$$ 50 to the beneficiaries.


Last year, the National Congress changed this rule, establishing that the Federal Government should transfer R$100% of this amount. Through a Provisional Measure, President Lula decided to maintain this practice in 2023. Therefore, if the average price of a 13-kilo gas cylinder is R$$ 100, the Ministry of Social Development should transfer R$$ 100.

A provisional measure has the effect of law as soon as it is signed by the president. However, this document has a limited validity and requires approval by the National Congress to avoid expiring after four months.

With the decree promulgated by Lula on Thursday night (1) and the approval of the president's provisional measure in the National Congress this week, it can be stated that, at least until the end of the year, payments of the National Gas Aid will remain equivalent to 100% of the average price of the cylinder. Beneficiaries will therefore continue to receive the increased amounts in their bills.

The processing of MPs

The “positive outcome” for the government regarding the provisional measure for national gas assistance was preceded by intense dispute in the National Congress. As mentioned, the bill that calls for increased payments of this benefit was only approved by parliamentarians a few hours before the end of the procedural period.

The delay was due to a number of factors. One of them was an internal debate between the presidents of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), and the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL) regarding the process of processing the provisional measures in the National Congress. This discussion resulted in a delay in the voting of the measures.

Furthermore, there were several difficulties with political articulation on the part of President Lula's team. These communication issues led Arthur Lira to publicly declare that the executive branch needs to change the way it interacts with the National Congress.

Gas aid

Despite all the obstacles in the National Congress, the Provisional Measure for National Gas Aid was approved and should be sanctioned within a few days. With the decision, June payments will be increased and should correspond to 100% of the national average price of the cylinder.

It is not yet known what this value will be in practice, as the ANP has not yet made this announcement. In any case, it is expected to be close to R$ 110, as occurred in the last months of benefit payments.

The most recent data from the Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight Against Hunger indicate that just over 5.6 million people are currently eligible to receive gas assistance in Brazil.