Imminent changes to the FGTS anniversary withdrawal; find out more.


Changes to the FGTS anniversary withdrawal are in the offing. Learn about the changes and understand their impact. Stay informed now!

The end of October sparked a significant dialogue in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), led by Luís Roberto Barroso.

The agenda for discussion on November 8th refers to the monetary correction of the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) anniversary withdrawal. Last week, the government postponed this discussion.


Read also: Find out how to unlock your FGTS: essential tips!

This decision was made due to several concerns related to the matter, which the president of the Supreme Court received from the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, and the Attorney General of the Union (AGU), Jorge Messias, in a meeting on October 22.


Changes to the FGTS anniversary withdrawal

The AGU believes that if the perspective proposed by Barroso is consolidated, the impact could reach a surprising amount of R$8.6 billion. Barroso, responsible for this case, argued in April that the adjustments to the FGTS cannot be smaller than those to the savings account.

He also argued that the final decision should only have an impact in the future, which could reduce the damage to the national treasury.

Taking a more detailed view, the AGU projects an impact of up to R$295 billion on the treasury, if the STF decides to offset the amounts updated since 1999. Justice André Mendonça also agrees with this analysis. On the other hand, Justice Kássio Nunes Marques decided to pause the trial after requesting more time for analysis.

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What drives the request for readjustment in the TR?

Today, the FGTS is adjusted by the Reference Rate (TR) plus 3%. The Solidariedade party, which filed the lawsuit, argues that since 1999, this index has not effectively recovered the purchasing power of employees.

Therefore, the party proposes replacing the TR with an index linked to inflation, such as the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA).