Fight exclusion: Find out how almost 2 million people lost Bolsa Família in 2023 and how you can help!


Between January and May of this year, 2023, the right to receive the balance of the Federal Government's Bolsa Família program was lost by almost 2 million Brazilians. This information was confirmed by the Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight Against Hunger, through the Access to Information Law, after being contacted by the press.

In May, the exact number of exclusions from Bolsa Família this year reached 1.8 million. However, the total number of beneficiaries did not undergo major changes, as the Federal Government included around 1 million people in the same period, balancing the number of users.

For example, in December 2022, Auxílio Brasil ended, serving just over 21 million people, a number similar to that now registered in the new version of Bolsa Família. The current Ministry of Social Development is working to renew the citizens who are entitled to the project.


Why do deletions occur?

According to information from the Ministry, there is not just one reason that motivates exclusions from the Bolsa Família program. However, there are at least three common points that can lead a given family to effectively lose the right to be part of this social benefit.

Outdated Cadúnico registration

One of the most common reasons for exclusion is the lack of updates in the Single Registry (Cadúnico) system. This registry must be updated at least every two years, or whenever there is a structural change in the family, such as a death or a birth. When the deadline is exceeded and the citizen does not update the account, the account is subject to exclusion.


Registration in Cadúnico with false information

Another factor that can lead to cancellation is inconsistent information. In some cases, the Ministry identifies that a particular family has entered false information into the system. This can be detected because the Ministry has access to a range of information in other databases and can make comparisons.

Single-person families

However, the majority of the nearly two million exclusions this year are related to single-person families. These are people who registered with Cadúnico as individuals who live alone. In theory, there is nothing wrong with this situation, but the Government claims that at least some of these users lied when providing this information.

The problem with single-person families

During the payments of the Auxílio Brasil program last year, it was established that the benefit would be R$$ 600 for all families, regardless of the number of people living in the same house. Therefore, the amount paid by the Ministry was R$$ 600, or a little more than that.

In this sense, it is suspected that some large families have artificially divided themselves just for the purpose of receiving more than one Bolsa Família. After all, it was enough to register as a single-person family.

al to receive the R$ 600 exclusively, even if in reality the individual lived with other people.

Official data shows that in the second half of last year, the total number of families that registered with Cadúnico as single-person households increased significantly. The growth was so great that even the government of former president Jair Bolsonaro launched an investigation to understand what was happening.

Many of these supposed single-person families have already been excluded from Bolsa Família. They have 60 days from the date of exclusion to prove that they really do live alone. Otherwise, the benefit will be permanently cut off, and they will have to go back to the end of the waiting list to enter the social project.