Last week, several CadÚnico update campaigns took place and the city of Ubatuba, through the Assistance Department, was present in the Ipiranguinha neighborhood.
The event took place on October 7th, last Saturday, and was the city's second mutirão. According to Leonilce Justo Fernandes, the coordinator of CRAS Centro, 140 families were present at the mutirão.
The Single Registry is a way for the federal government to obtain data on low-income Brazilian families in order to include them in social and income redistribution programs. In other words, keeping registration data up to date is essential, since the program is the gateway to other social benefits.
With this in mind, community outreach is a great strategy. In the city of Ubatuba, for example, there was a great demand from the neighborhood where the event took place, so other actions are being considered until the entire population updates their registration.
According to a survey by the Department of Social Assistance, the periodic implementation of this type of joint effort should eliminate the demand for conditional care.
Which programs can I access through CadÚnico?
Through CadÚnico, families can access the following programs:
- Family Allowance;
- Gas Aid;
- Senior Citizen Card;
- Green Bag Program;
- Youth ID;
- Exemption from Fees in Public Tenders;
- Social Electricity Tariff Program;
- My Home My Life.
Can I register with CadÚnico?
To be part of CadÚnico, you must meet certain requirements, such as having a monthly per capita income of up to half the minimum wage. In addition, one possibility to participate is to be part of a family group with a total income of up to three minimum wages.
Those who have higher incomes than those previously mentioned but are linked to or wish to have a benefit that uses CadÚnico can also join CadÚnico. Therefore, if you meet any of the requirements, you can register.
Image: Tania Rêgo/ Agência Brasil